Running the frontend in development mode
# Assume we're starting in $WORKING_DIRECTORY, which contains all the reposcdfrontendnpminstall# The following command will serve the frontend on localhost:4200 with# auto-reloading on changes. You must run a node before the site will# actually work however (see next section).ngserve
npm install 시 발생하는 에러 Permission denied (public key) error 가 발생했다.
# Assume we're starting in $WORKING_DIRECTORY, which contains all the# repos. Also assume we have "ng serve" running.cdbackend/scripts/nodes# The n0_test script runs a testnet blockchain locally. It starts mining # blocks immediately at a much faster rate than mainnet. You can set your # public key to receive the block rewards by setting it as --miner-public-key # in the arguments. This gives you funds that you can test with. You can see # the status of the node by going to the Admin tab after logging in with an# account and then going to the Network subtab../n0_test# Once n0_test is running, you must navigate to the following URL. 4200 is the# port for ng serve. Note that in order to be <http://localhost:4200>
script 실행 후 보안상의 이유 때문에 flag를 다시 원래 설정으로 돌려주어야 한다.
Port 번호 변경
bitclout frontend는 17001번 포트에 backend API 요청을 한다. 17001은 메인넷 포트이고 18001이 테스트 포트이다. 따라서 test 노드를 돌렸으면 frontend와 연결이 되어 있지 않다. 테스트넷과 연결하기 위해서는 frontend에서 포트 번호를 변경해야 한다.
위 사진처럼 lastLocalNodeV2 를 17001에서 18001로 바꾼 후 다시 실행하자.
Running the node in mainnet mode
# Assume we're starting in $WORKING_DIRECTORY, which contains all the repos.# Also assume we have "ng serve" running.cdbackend/scripts/nodes# The n0 script runs a node that connects to mainnet peers. It will download# all the blocks from its peers and then start syncing its mempool from them.# You can see the status of the node by going to the Admin tab after# logging in with an account and then going to the Network subtab. Note that# syncing the blockchain may take an hour or so.$./n0# Once n0 is running, you must navigate to the following URL. 4200 is the# ng serve port. It should automatically hit your node, which should be# exposing its API at localhost:17001.<http://localhost:4200>
mainnet은 17001번 포트에서 실행되므로 testnet과 반대로 frontend lastLocalNodeV2를 다시 17001로 돌려주어야 한다.